Still Catching Up

Beef and Guiness stew is bubbling away on the stove, and brown soda bread is baking.  Warmish out today and it’s been snowing lightly for a couple of hours.  Feels more like Sunday than Friday.

I finished off the year with 3 pairs of socks done.  Two of the pairs were in the same pattern, same yarn, same colour.  When I started, I loved these socks, but 4th sock syndrome slowed things down for a week and now I only hope I’ll still want to make a pair for myself later in life the year.  They were meant to be a woman’s medium and could have passed, but with so much stretch to them, I thought it best to have BB try them on, just in case.  As it turned out, there was enough stretch to fit a man-sized foot comfortably – and he really liked them.  I set aside the finished one and cast on a smaller pair.  The gifted pair didn’t hit the mail until yesterday; BB had his pair for New Year’s Eve.

Here are the ones I made for my sister.  She got them today and I’m told they fit perfectly.  Yay!

Go With the Flow Socks from Sock Pixie, in Mission Falls 136, Russet

I made these for her mother-in-law.

Bed Peds, courtesy of The Caffeinated Knitter, in Patons Shetland Chunky Tweeds, Deep Red

Talk about quick, easy knitting – bulky yarn, 4.5 mm dpn’s and no heel.  I need some of these bed socks for myself, maybe out of the new fleece yarn I saw at Knit and Caboodle.  Since they only took me two days to knit up, making a couple of pairs or so shouldn’t interfere with any of my other projects, right?

Believing this to be true, I started a sweater last weekend as well.  Just a plain-jane pullover, loosely based on the Sassy Stripes Pullover.  It’s a Moda Dea pattern I’ve had for so long that the yarn has been discontinued.  Since it’s all stockinette, I decided to use a jacquard yarn to keep it more interesting.  I hope it will go fairly quickly as I suspect the weather will take a turn soon.

Back ribbing done.  Bernat  Jacquards in Jasmine

4 responses to “Still Catching Up

  1. Wow! Beautiful socks. Also love that sweater thats under construction. (Great colors for you!) You’ve obviously advanced well beyond our first knitting class at CC…. Maybe I need to pick up some needles and start working on a scarf again. I do find the process very relaxing – assuming I can overlook all the errors… 🙂

  2. I think I may have to knit up a pair of bedsocks. That seems like a fun, fast gift. 🙂

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